BPUSD Board Meeting - Virtual

BPUSD Board Meeting - Virtual
1/19/2021, 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
District Administration Center / Remote Online Meeting - Live Streamed from 3699 N. Holly Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706

2020-2021 Board Meetings
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

The Baldwin Park Unified School District has transitioned to an online agenda using the BoardDocs platform. To view future meeting agendas, minutes, and relevant reports or attachments visit:

URL: https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/bpusd/Board.nsf/Public

Due to the Current COVID-19 Pandemic, the Board of Education will hold its meetings remotely using online streaming. Please click on the following link to join the live stream meeting five minutes before the start of the meeting:


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