Academic Counselors
Welcome to the School Counselor Webpage
During Remote Learning and anytime you are not at school, if you need emergency mental health support, tell a trusted adult and call 911.
You can also contact the following:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at tel:1-200-273-8255 or text “HOME” to 741741TREVOR PROJECT LIFELINE tel:1-866-488-7386
California Peer-run warm line tel:1-855-845-7415
Disaster Distress Helpline tel:1-800-985-5990 or text "TalkWithUs" to 66746
LAC DMH Psychiatric Mobile Response Team 24-hour Hotline tel:1-800-854-7771
Baldwin Park Police Department Dispatch tel:1-626-856-4000
Please click on your school counselor's name, at the right, according to your grade for more contact information.

Click on the Care Solace logo to be connected!