Middle Schools Participate in Mock Elections

Middle school students at BP STEM Academy, Jones Middle School, and Sierra Vista Middle School took part in mock election activities. With support from the District’s Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) Jennie Wideman, the activity offered students a timely lesson as the nation prepares for an upcoming election.


Students were able to register, review their ballots, wait in line, and cast their votes, and receive an “I Voted” sticker afterward. The activity was largely tied to history classes, with BP STEM Academy also including 5th graders. Teachers and staff played a key role in encouraging student participation and ensuring the elections ran smoothly.


This unique learning opportunity helped students understand the significance of their civic duty and the freedoms involved in voting. Wideman highlighted the event as an important educational experience that prepares students for the future.



Mock_BPS1: BP STEM Academy students attend a mock election.

Mock_BPS2: BP STEM Academy students attend a mock election.

Mock_BPS3: BP STEM Academy mock election voting system.

Mock_BPS4: BP STEM Academy mock election set up in the library.

Mock_Jones1: Jones Middle School students participate in a mock election.

Mock_Jones2: Jones Middle School students decorate school posters for the mock election.

Mock_SVM: Sierra Vista Middle School students pose with District Superintendent Dr. Froilan Mendoza, Assistant Superintendent of HR Dr. Christine Heinricks, Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement Dr. Angela Salazar, Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) Jennie Wideman, and school Principal Julio Nuñez.

Mock_SVM1: A Sierra Vista Middle School student receives a sticker from TOSA Jennie Wideman following their participation.

Mock_SVM2: A Sierra Vista Middle School student votes at the mock election.

Mock_SVM3: Sierra Vista Middle School students line up for the mock election.