Sierra Vista Middle School Matador Band & Choir

Greetings, Matadors!
(2024-2025 Theme)

The purpose of participating in a Sierra Vista Middle School Music class is to give members: 

Musical skills: reading, writing, and performing music in class and public performances. 

Use of rhythms, note reading, listening skills, elements of performance, music history, and composition. 

Self-esteem and confidence through practice and performances. 

Integrate music into learning and life skills. 

Chances to develop teamwork, respect, responsibility, and self-discipline. 


California Education Standards in Music:

  • Creating Music – generate/make, organize & develop artistic music concepts, ideas, and work.
  • Performing Music - select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation to help convey meaning.
  • Responding to Music – perceive, analyze, interpret meaning in artistic works.
  • Connecting Music – relate knowledge and personal experience to music and other works and connect them to ideas within our society, culture, and history.


Our bands, choirs, and orchestras have performed throughout Southern California and continue a tradition of success in representing our school and community of Baldwin Park. For more detailed information about the band program, please click on the link below for the Band or Choir Handbooks regarding expectations, grades, and performances: 



SVMS Music Classes - Behavior & Learning Expectations & other links below:

(Use your classrooms for online work, videos, and analysis assignments. These are the same classrooms we established at the beginning of the school year and will continue to use.)
Period 1 Choir
Period 2 Concert Band
Period 3 Symphonic Band
Period 4 Beginning Band
Period 6 Beginning Band
If you need help, with homework or even if you just want to talk, see me after-school or send me an e-mail:
  • Mondays: (2:35-3:00 PM)
  • Tuesdays: (2:35-2:50 PM)
  • Wednesdays: (2:35-3:00 PM)
  • Thursdays: (2:35-3:00 PM)
  • Fridays (2:35-2:50 PM)
Mr. Ocampo's e-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Ocampo's voicemail: (626) 962-1300 ext. 87564
(If we return to virtual / distance learning: WebEx classroom:
{Please note: NO live-streaming classes are offered during in-class learning. WebEx classroom will NOT be opened unless there is a return to virtual / distance learning.}
PARENT CONFERENCES (1/23/25 & 1/24/25):
Dear parents, guardians, & students:

Please use the following link to sign-up for a parent conference with Mr. Ocampo next Thursday (1/23/25) or Friday (1/24/25).

Parent conferences have concluded.  If you'd like feedback regarding your student email or call Mr. Ocampo through the information below.

Mr. Ocampo, Directo of Bands & Choir
Sierra Vista M.S.
(626) 962-1300 ext. 87564
[email protected]

ONLINE LINK for scheduled Parent Conference:  Mr. Ocampo's WebEx ​




MUSIC POLOS SHIRTS & Concert Attire:


Dear parents/guardians,

Music polos are going out this week.  Please review the attached form regarding care and return of the music polos, as well as what students will need for next month's Winter Concert.


Musically yours,

Michael Ocampo

Director of Bands & Choirs

Sierra Vista Middle School

(626) 962-1300 ext. 87564

[email protected]




Parent Conferences (10/3/24 & 10/4/24):
Dear parents & guardians,

Please use the following link to sign-up for a parent conference with Mr. Ocampo next Thursday (10/3/24) or Friday (10/4/24).

(Sorry. Parent Conferences have concluded. Please email Mr. Ocampo or call him to set-up or have parent conference on another day.

Musically yours,
Michael Ocampo, Directo of Bands & Choir
Sierra Vista M.S.
(626) 962-1300 ext. 87564
[email protected]

ONLINE CONFERENCE LINK:  Mr. Ocampo's Music Room ​
Greetings Parents / Guardians & Students /
Saludos padres / guardianes y estudiantes:: 
Back-to-school Night information /
Información sobre la noche de regreso a clases:



President: Delilah Rivas
Vice-Pres.: Diego Salas
Clerk: Stephanie Zamudio & Jayden Piza
Treasurer: Mareesa Navarro
Representatives:  Adrian Manzano, Luna Garcia, Damian Montes, & Henry Velasquez
(Due to lack of interest & commitment - Choir Club has been cancelled this year.)
Standard of Excellence band books:
Book 1: red book
Book 2: blue book
Performance Music:
Beginning Band
Standard of Excellence - Book 1
Symphonic & Concert Bands
"Moon at the Ruined Castle"
"When You Belive"
"The Gift of Song"